Tuesday, 7 December 2010


it's been such a long time since i didn't post any blog.it is because i live in boarding school now. talking about living in such school. what do u think?well, i would not say that it's very enjoying and i'm also not going to say that living in there is boring. its just fifty fifty la.. no doubt, i got so much pressure living in there. when u saw your friends studying, u will feel very humble. it's like " wow, they are studying. mesti dpt result bgos nnt" n mmg, u should study jugak lah kan. but u know what, when the pressure is on, nothing got into your brain! next is about friends. i mean girlfriends. i don't have so much problem with the guys although sometimes the guys are freakin' annoying. about the girls, kadang kadang mmg menyampah. but i have to know that if i'm having any problem, they are the one who will help me because my family is not with me. i have a good friend named najwa. Wan Najwa Amanina Wan Razali. she's a very nice person. she's from perlis. she's also a very clever girl. she's a BWP. badan wakil pelajar or student representative council. psl classmates, the girls are nice but i'm having kinda problem with two of them. i cannot name them. but i'm seriously really get annoyed with them both. i am a LDP. lembaga disiplin pelajar. mcm pengawas la.. huhu. so i'll be a senior next year. hmm.. talking about my juniors, i have to admit it here that the form 3 students in 2010 are freakin' RUDE! they just have no manners at all. well, not all of them actually. there's some who knows how to respect people who are older than them. but it's only a few of them. form laen, bese je la. hmm.. what about love? hehe.. i love to talk about this. honestly now i'm really in love with someone. same form as me. my classmate. named....... should i say it here? ok his name is hasif. ak ske die. ak rndu die. i can't wait to meet him again next year. but i don't wanna finish this holiday...): don't care lah. he's a very special person. it's hard to put it on words. only i know his specialty . hehe. my sisters know that i have a crush on him. i told her some of my story that i have with him. n my sister said, just relax. let it just go with the flow. do not push him. hehe. seems that my sister is ok with it. haha. it's 1 am already. n i'm feeling tired. i think i will continue this later. huh.. so many things i want to say.btw, bye.

Friday, 12 November 2010

home sweet home

i'm home. can't believe it. so tired la.
in the morning, kene lompat bntang tok 500 times.
can u imagine it?
freakin' nk mati!
until now my kaki is still lenguh.
i can't walk normally.
then mse tgh ari, nek turon tangge for about 5 times
coz nk angkut brg ltak kt store.
ak da la aras atas skali.
n tmpt nk smpn brg tu kt ground floor.
so tired.....
tme nk blk, kene tggu bas plak.
kte kol 3 tp kol 4.15 bru smpai..
night mare btol lar.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

raye at mrsm

skng ni tgh ade majlis sambutan hari raye kt cni!
sucks gle dow!!
ntah pape r.
boring gle nk mati.
inner x leh pkai!
tdung x leh jarang!
bek ak pkai bju skola jer!
freakin' sucks dow!!!
i'm waiting tok balik tros next month.
seriously i can't wait to.
be patient far...
there's 1 year left.
hang on!


Monday, 13 September 2010

happy eid!

jika terlanjur bicara atau terkasar bahasa,
ku susun sepuluh jari memohon maaf atas keterlanjuranku.
semoga hari raya ini memberi seribu makna kepada kita semua.
ikhlas dari saya,
nurul fariha osman.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

ak bru pas exam n ak ak dpt bad result. ade yg OK, ade yg KO gle2. mmg ak x taw nk jd pe. pape pon, pas ni, ak akn try to get ready earlier 4 exam. there's still time left. no give up!!! come on fariha, u can do it! peluang sentiase ade. but 4 sure, mjsc kb sucks!

Sunday, 11 April 2010


hye! today x taw nk ckp pe. so may be ak leh cte psl classmates ak yg gle2 semuanya. let's start with hariz. die biase je. agak poyo. hehe.sori. tp ade ciri kepimpinan yg sgt jelas dlm diri die. cte2 nk jd pilot. wish u gud luck.next, hannan. ksu/ monitor class ak. die ni pon ade ciri2 kepimpinan. x de r hensem tp smart gak r. die nk tuka mrsm kkb. klau die bla, kene cri ksu baru.huhu. next, azam. die ok r. org jawa! haha. agak pndai dan ok la. klaka. now is hatim.nme penuh, luqman hatim. agak gile. x abes2 nk tegur ak psl aurat. bjet bek sgt r! menyampah! ske sebut masyaAllah dgn care klakar. i jz can't stop laughing ble dgr die sebut that word. alif. die ni sorg lg, klakar. org pggl die shorty. haha. die ni klakar tanpe perlu wat lawak. diri die sendiri mmg lawak. haha. satu-satunye ustaz dlm klas ak is aiman. die pndai. tp agak membosankan orgnye. ari 2, for science fair, die wt door lock. gne alrm. cm alarm kete. mmg smart gle r. the next engineer insyaAllah. aiman ni mke die lbeh kurang je ngan wafy. ak slalu terconfused muke dorg bedue. cme wafy pkai cemin mate. next is an/ shahiran. die ni guy taw. ckgu seni ak pggl die big show.coz die mmg seorang yg berbadan besar. saiz die 2 kali gande saiz ak. next is lo/ light off officer. die dipanggil begitu kerane die ske sbut "light off". tinggi sgt. kurus gle. agak blur. ble die bercakap, bleh wat sume org gelak. the next four guys yg ak akn ckp pas ni adalah guys yg special bg ak. start with syafiq. die dak brp/ bukit rahman putra. bek. ak x de r ske die cme kwn rapat ngan aku. huhu.next is eric. nme nk grand je. nme sebena, azri izriq. he's so sweet. comel sgt. bkn muke but perwatakan. agak pemalu orgnye. next is hasif/asep. die mmg gle klakar! ak x leh tahan dgr die wt lawak. mmg klakar nk mati. tp dlm klakar2 die, ade something dlm diri die yg ak x pnah sangke. dlm cerie2 die, die act x de parents. n for me, die yg plg ensem r dlm klas ak. lastly is atiq. aku slalu dikaitkan dgn die. honestly, i can feel the 'kimia' with him. n my friends said that he likes me. n sejujur-jujurnye, ak pon ske die gak. tp x de la smpai nk kapel kot. but sometimes, die menyakitkan ati aku. kdg2 smapai ak rse mls nk pndg mke die dah.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

menghitung hari.

tggal 3 ari lg...aaa!! mls nyer nk blk. tket bas pon x beli agi ni. ye2! esk kuar tgk wyg. harap2 ade kosong. byk tol masalah ak nk blk. tp x kesah r. asalkan ak dpt blk. klau tepakse ari isnin pon ak x kesah. lg ske! hehe..

Sunday, 14 March 2010

mjsc kb

HYE!! i'm back. huh! lme gle ak x on.. i miss SU.. huhu. rse mcm de byk bende nk ckp, tp x taw nk tulis pe plak. ok. studying at mrsm kepala batas, ak rse biase je. x de la best sgt n x de la x best lgsg. but seriously, when i first started went there, for the firt week, ak mmg rse nk tuka maktab. but lme, rse mlas la plak. klau apply skng pon, taon dpan bru dpt kot. so, i'll just go with the flow. i met my senior yg skul kt SU gak, which r kak nadia, izzul, rahimi n dak f3, amy. dok kt mrsm, honestly ak agak tension. the schedule is just so packed! nk rehat pon susah. nseb bek r classmates ak fun. x de r bosan time prep. n 1 lg yg ak x ske which is whatever u want to do, u have to que. iron, mkn, kooperasi, mandi, sumenye kene beratur! n dak2 senior kt c2 bjet alim dow. x leh dok dkat2 ngan lelaki la, x leh semeje ngan lelaki la, x leh angkat2 bju la, sumenye x leh! tp ak kesah pe. ahaha. solat kene kt surau. solat subuh, kedatangan akn diambil. x logik an? KECOH btol! honestly, ak kesah pe psl peraturan die. bjet alim n bjet pndai! tp klau da dtg mrsm, mesti menyesal klau balik. sume org ckp cm2. ak x terfikir pon nk blk. pape pon, 2 taon je ak perlu betahan, pas2 i'm free.

Sunday, 28 February 2010

i'm back!! for u guys info.. ak sdang on9 di mrsm kepala batas! haha! dok cni, ok r kot... mule2 mmg ak menyampah dok cni.. dak2 die poyo nk mati! but now, i'm trying to adapt with everyone..
today is the first day masok klas n first day on9 kt skola ni.. skang ni time tasawwur tp x blaja.. ckgu yusri ade di hadapan klas skang ni.. haha! dan ak di blakang sdg menulis blog.
org len pon wt jgk... to all dak SU, ak rndu korg sme! bln 3 nnt ak blk...!
eqa n
ak rindu korg SEMUA! i luv u!

Monday, 15 February 2010

the last episode of this season


my new 10.1 mega pixels camera from my brother n japan.hehe

i'll bring them with me

i'll definitely miss my class..4 eris

i'll remember these necklace

time is running out.

i should take a move


Friday, 12 February 2010


'ak cbe x nk sketkn ati ko dgn tdk ko lg..tp ko still nk msg ak.pas2 ko akn ckp hrp2 ak x jmpe org yg menyakitkn ati cm ko. what the hell is that mean? ko ingt ak akn rase besalah coz x lyn or ckp ngan ko?'tlg lah!ak ade thp kesabrn ak..when i told u nicely DO NOT msg ak..ko still x phm2 bahase.ak x nk msg ko coz ak rse rimas! n rimas 2 lme2 bleh jd benci. n ak skng ni mmg da benci ngan ko.so skng ni ko nk kte ak ni jht ke, kejam ke, ak mls nk kesah da.x perlu nk reply msg ni n x yah nk msg ak psl ape2 pon lpas ni!n klau ko nk cte ape yg ak ckp ni kt aziah or spe2 pon, ak x kesah.just do whatever u want.x pyh REPLY!'

huh! betape puasnye ati ak pas ckp bende kt atas ni kt die.(in msg)

Saturday, 6 February 2010

shopping 4 mrsm

ak bru blk umah..pas beli brg for my boarding school..but x abes agi. esk nk kuar agi. school uniform, shoes and few t-shirts still x bli agi..rse best la plak..hehe..but i know..there's only a week left..b4 i go to mrsm.huuuuu..aa..! takot...

Monday, 1 February 2010


pliz don't get misunderstood. i didn't mean to hurt anybody. i didn't mean to be snobbish.
i've been praying for this since i was standard six. so pliz understand. please take it as my rezeki than it's just a luck for me. God is fair enough.

Sunday, 31 January 2010


on 1 feb 2010..ak dpt taw yg ak dpt mrsm.alhamdulillah....i'm really thankful...only God knows how much thankful i am...like i said b4..if i get into mrsm..i'll surely go. n yes..i'll go. on 17 feb 2010 on wednesday.. sorry friends..i've to leave all of u..but don't worry...bknyer x jmpe lg da...
nnt kte leh g skate or whtever yg kte nk wt...there's almost 2 weeks b4 i go..lets cherish our moment together.i love u guys.i'll never forget u guys.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

hatin' u

i swear till the last breath of mine...i'll hate u...!

smpai ble2!!!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


stay away from me! tolonglah...ak mmg da naek menyampak dgn kaw..u r so unmatured and x reti nk gune ayt dgn btol..i've tried to be nice with u..but u keep making me hating u...
kalaulah kaw bleh bce blog ni...
kaw kte ak ckp blakang2? hey hello! ble mse? ak jz cerite kt kwn ak je...yg kaw 2..
sme bende nk cte kt org..kt pempuan plak 2! please lah! sme yg ak ckp...kaw nk cte kt org...bek kaw bg taw 1 dunie je...
kaw ckp prasaan kaw kt AKU n AZRA len drpd prasaan kaw kt org len..oh god..please!
geli la weyh! n kaw tanye npe ak x tegor kaw? should i? i do NOT think i should...
kaw yg beriye iye sorry kt ak...n nk jd friends cm bese... kaw nk aku tegor kaw?????
it won't happen! wahai SHAFIQ AZMI, please wake up, be matured n be like a guy who is
16 years old!!

dreamed wedding

gambar kt sbelah 2... ak ternmpk kt internet..
cntk kn dress ni? well..it's my dreamed wedding dress...
haha...! kecik-kecik da berangan nk kawin! ak kesah pe! haha...! nnt jgn lupe dtg majlis kawin ak...

Thursday, 21 January 2010


i'm not going to smt...may be it's already destinied..i will never go to boarding school...but it's alright..may be there's a 'hikmah' behind all this...plus, i know that school is just a school...it's not like 'oo..klau skola bese x bgoz..' rite now.. i just need to study hard n smart..coz i've promise myself that if i don't get any boarding school.. i want to study abroad after my spm..just like my brother.. if it's possible for him....it's possible for me too...aja aja fighting!!

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

yesterday dpt result msok teknik...n ak dpt..
but now i'm very confused whether i should go or not..
i want to leave home but don't want to leave school...
since form 1 iak hrap2 sgt ak dpt msok boarding school... but now everything change..
ak syg nk tinggalkan all my friends, my teachers, my class n koko!
right now i'm so miserable..n now ak berharap ak dpt mrsm.. coz klau ak mmg dpt mrsm..
i'll definitely go..n if i don't get into mrsm..i'll just stay here...what else i can do?