Tuesday 7 December 2010


it's been such a long time since i didn't post any blog.it is because i live in boarding school now. talking about living in such school. what do u think?well, i would not say that it's very enjoying and i'm also not going to say that living in there is boring. its just fifty fifty la.. no doubt, i got so much pressure living in there. when u saw your friends studying, u will feel very humble. it's like " wow, they are studying. mesti dpt result bgos nnt" n mmg, u should study jugak lah kan. but u know what, when the pressure is on, nothing got into your brain! next is about friends. i mean girlfriends. i don't have so much problem with the guys although sometimes the guys are freakin' annoying. about the girls, kadang kadang mmg menyampah. but i have to know that if i'm having any problem, they are the one who will help me because my family is not with me. i have a good friend named najwa. Wan Najwa Amanina Wan Razali. she's a very nice person. she's from perlis. she's also a very clever girl. she's a BWP. badan wakil pelajar or student representative council. psl classmates, the girls are nice but i'm having kinda problem with two of them. i cannot name them. but i'm seriously really get annoyed with them both. i am a LDP. lembaga disiplin pelajar. mcm pengawas la.. huhu. so i'll be a senior next year. hmm.. talking about my juniors, i have to admit it here that the form 3 students in 2010 are freakin' RUDE! they just have no manners at all. well, not all of them actually. there's some who knows how to respect people who are older than them. but it's only a few of them. form laen, bese je la. hmm.. what about love? hehe.. i love to talk about this. honestly now i'm really in love with someone. same form as me. my classmate. named....... should i say it here? ok his name is hasif. ak ske die. ak rndu die. i can't wait to meet him again next year. but i don't wanna finish this holiday...): don't care lah. he's a very special person. it's hard to put it on words. only i know his specialty . hehe. my sisters know that i have a crush on him. i told her some of my story that i have with him. n my sister said, just relax. let it just go with the flow. do not push him. hehe. seems that my sister is ok with it. haha. it's 1 am already. n i'm feeling tired. i think i will continue this later. huh.. so many things i want to say.btw, bye.