Sunday, 28 February 2010

i'm back!! for u guys info.. ak sdang on9 di mrsm kepala batas! haha! dok cni, ok r kot... mule2 mmg ak menyampah dok cni.. dak2 die poyo nk mati! but now, i'm trying to adapt with everyone..
today is the first day masok klas n first day on9 kt skola ni.. skang ni time tasawwur tp x blaja.. ckgu yusri ade di hadapan klas skang ni.. haha! dan ak di blakang sdg menulis blog.
org len pon wt jgk... to all dak SU, ak rndu korg sme! bln 3 nnt ak blk...!
eqa n
ak rindu korg SEMUA! i luv u!

Monday, 15 February 2010

the last episode of this season


my new 10.1 mega pixels camera from my brother n japan.hehe

i'll bring them with me

i'll definitely miss my class..4 eris

i'll remember these necklace

time is running out.

i should take a move


Friday, 12 February 2010


'ak cbe x nk sketkn ati ko dgn tdk ko ko still nk msg ak.pas2 ko akn ckp hrp2 ak x jmpe org yg menyakitkn ati cm ko. what the hell is that mean? ko ingt ak akn rase besalah coz x lyn or ckp ngan ko?'tlg lah!ak ade thp kesabrn ak..when i told u nicely DO NOT msg ak..ko still x phm2 bahase.ak x nk msg ko coz ak rse rimas! n rimas 2 lme2 bleh jd benci. n ak skng ni mmg da benci ngan skng ni ko nk kte ak ni jht ke, kejam ke, ak mls nk kesah da.x perlu nk reply msg ni n x yah nk msg ak psl ape2 pon lpas ni!n klau ko nk cte ape yg ak ckp ni kt aziah or spe2 pon, ak x kesah.just do whatever u want.x pyh REPLY!'

huh! betape puasnye ati ak pas ckp bende kt atas ni kt die.(in msg)

Saturday, 6 February 2010

shopping 4 mrsm

ak bru blk umah..pas beli brg for my boarding school..but x abes agi. esk nk kuar agi. school uniform, shoes and few t-shirts still x bli agi..rse best la plak..hehe..but i know..there's only a week left..b4 i go to mrsm.huuuuu..aa..! takot...

Monday, 1 February 2010


pliz don't get misunderstood. i didn't mean to hurt anybody. i didn't mean to be snobbish.
i've been praying for this since i was standard six. so pliz understand. please take it as my rezeki than it's just a luck for me. God is fair enough.